About Us
Blue Ninja- Rich
TikTokRich often referred to as "The Accountant" has a long time love and respect of all corals and fish. 25 year IT professional by day but lover of coral by night. He is the brains of our operation!
Pink Ninja- Vinny
TikTokVinny is just here to be a Reef Princess, she is not getting her hands dirty and don't expect her to be cleaning a sump. But if there's a coral you're looking for she can find it!
Purple Ninja- Jaime
Did your package come packed with Love and Care? I'm sure it did thanks to Jaime! Our resident organizer she will not accept less than perfect in anything we do.
Black Ninja - Jim
TikTokJim (or as Pink Ninja calls him Jimothy). Our beloved retired military member of the company.The stealthy master of our coral operations with his love for corals and the community.