Reef Ninja Coral Dipping and Acclimation Guide

Coral Dipping and Acclimation Guide by Reef Ninja

At Reef Ninja, we are dedicated to ensuring that your corals arrive healthy and thrive in their new home. This guide is designed to help you care for your newly received corals and integrate them seamlessly into your tank so that your entire reef system can flourish. We understand the excitement of adding new coral to your tank, but we strongly recommend using a quarantine tank as a best practice to prevent potential pests from entering your main display tank.

While Reef Ninja takes pride in maintaining pest-free tanks, it is important to acknowledge that complete elimination of all risks is not guaranteed. For instance, flatworm eggs can take up to 11 days to hatch, and there is currently no solution that can fully prevent this. By following the guide below, you can adopt best practices to protect your tank. Please note that Reef Ninja is not liable for any outcomes resulting from not following product manufacturer guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to us, and we will be glad to assist you.

Step 1: Coral RX Dip

  • Prepare the Coral RX dip solution according to the manufacturer's instructions, adhering strictly to the specified concentration and duration.
  • Ensure the temperature of the dipping solution matches the display tank’s temperature to prevent thermal shock. The ideal range should be within 1-2 degrees of your tank’s temperature.

Important Note: Do not exceed the recommended amount of Coral RX. Using more than the specified amount can harm the coral and will not increase effectiveness.

Step 2: Potassium Chloride (KCl) Dip

  • Prepare a KCl solution with a concentration of 2 grams per liter of tank water.
  • Dip the coral for no more than 5-10 minutes. Monitor the coral closely for signs of stress, such as excessive mucus production or tissue retraction.

Safety Tip: Always use a timer and remain present during this process to monitor the coral's response.

Step 3: Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Bath

  • Prepare a container of RO water and ensure its temperature matches the display tank.
  • Adjust the pH of the RO water to approximately 8.0-8.2 to reduce osmotic stress.
  • Submerge the coral in the RO water for 10-15 seconds, strictly adhering to the duration.

Caution: Prolonged exposure to freshwater can cause significant stress and tissue damage. Keep the dip brief.

Step 4: Acclimation Process

  • Place the coral in the provided container and begin a slow acclimation process.
  • Add small amounts of tank water to the container every 5-10 minutes to maintain a gradual change in salinity. This step should last between 30-60 minutes.
  • Ensure the temperature in the container remains stable throughout the process.

Final Tip: Once acclimation is complete, place the coral in a low-light area of your tank to allow it to recover and adjust.

Monitoring and Post-Treatment Care

  • Watch for early signs of stress or damage, such as discoloration, polyp retraction, or tissue sloughing. If any issues arise, move the coral to a calmer area of the tank.
  • Consider placing the coral in a quarantine tank for a few days to ensure full recovery and confirm that no pests or pathogens remain.

By following these steps, you can minimize stress and support the health of your corals, helping them—and your entire reef system—thrive.

Coming Soon!

We are working to bring some cool items here soon. We are just working on making sure the pictures are as beautiful as possible.